Integrated Community Solutions, Inc. (ICS) is an Ohio nonprofit corporation based in Medina County that develops communities that provide social engagement, independent living skill development, educational enrichment, vocational training, and employment opportunities, and integrated housing choices for people with and without developmental disabilities.
We envision a world where people with developmental disabilities experience inclusion, independence, security, choice, a broad range of opportunities, caring relationships, and joy in their daily lives.
Watch Lisa Morrison on Fox 8
ICS Co-Founder and President Lisa Morrison was on Fox 8 TV recently talking about the Integrated Community Solutions mission, residential model, and asking for community members to support its Sept. 27 golf event. [click to watch]
The Need is Huge...and Growing
The need in Ohio for supportive housing for adults with DD has grown relentlessly but the supply of affordable, supportive housing that is available has not kept pace. There are far more adult residents of Ohio who have DD than there are safe, supportive, and affordable residential settings designed to accommodate their needs and wants through the lifespan.
Of the 267,875 people who have DD in the State of Ohio an estimated 25 percent live with caregivers aged 60 or older who themselves may need supportive settings in the next decade. In Ohio, 75 percent of individuals who have DD receiving LTSS still live with a family member instead of a home of their own. (Source: In-Home and Residential Long-Term Supports and Services (LTSS) for Persons with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities: Status and Trends Through 2018 report produced by the Residential Information Systems Project (RISP) of the University of Minnesota.)
Without more safe, affordable, and supportive residential settings in the next decade, even more Ohio adults with DD will have limited or no opportunities to live as independently as possible in the setting and manner of their choosing just as their chronological age peers who do not have DD have every opportunity to access.
At some time, every parent or caregiver of an adult with DD asks themselves the same question:
“What will life be like for our son or daughter when we are no longer here?”
Integrated Community Solutions has an answer.
Residential Interest List
We deeply appreciate the incredible support our programs and residential community project have received not only from the Medina community, but also from neighboring communities and individuals in the media. We are now eager to know how many adults with a developmental disability, their families, and adults without a disability might be interested in living in our Autumn Bridge Crossing residential community. As we aim to open our doors in five years, we would like to know the interest in this unique living opportunity.